Another one I did over a year ago that shows nothing changes. Murdoch opponent Cable conveniently taken out of the Murdoch BSKYB decision and handed over to known Murdoch toady Jeremy Hunt. Sleaze, sleaze, sleaze.
A seasonal one to end the year. Scrooge Cameron is haunted by the ghosts of Jacob Brown, Christmas Boom and Christmas Bust, while Christmas Yet To Be hovvers menacingly over the crippled form of Tiny Economy. The sad reality is Scrooge saw the error of his ways, Cameron never will.
At least the stoo-pid Blairites are good for one thing.. They give you lots of chances to revise old cartoons – this one with Byers joining the happy throng of idiocy..
Cheney runs off at the mouth about his wonderful war and lambasts Joe Biden for claiming that the Obama administration should take the credit for advances in Iraq while also claiming that waterboarding is not torture but is merely an ‘advanced interrogation’ technique.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Housing minister John Healey told the BBC that housing repossession is the best option for some people. This from the man who made £8OK from the sale of his SECOND home last year.
You have to question the wisdom of a political advertising campaign that seems to want to promote the idea that the leader of the party is some kind of creepy Big Brother control freak which is exactly what the Tories current campaign absolutely screams of to me.
Shameless Tory MEP Daniel Hanning continues to act like some modern day Lord Haw Haw, using his anti-NHS diatribes to ingratiate himself to US Republican right wingers for purely selfish reasons and scant regard for the people of his own country. New Labour have been terrible in government, but I think anyone who thinks the Tories won’t be even worse is in for a very big shock.