The Clowns is a new comic strip I’m working on. They are they clowns who blight all our lives, you know the ones who have a devastating effect wherever they go and whatever they do. I hope they make you laugh.
Paul Newman is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors to ever appear on film. He has never put in a bad performance (but that's not to say all of the films he has been in have deserved his presence). Personal favourites of mine are The Verdict where his performance as the washed up ambulance-chaser was surely the one he deserved the Oscar for, Absence of Malice with it's brilliant finale and Nobody's Fool which is just a great humanist performance. None of these are amongst his best known films and they are all examples of the mature actor. His earlier, more testosterone charged performances, in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and Hud were also brilliant. Newman is a great humanitarian and his generous efforts for charity are second to none. To me he encapsulates everything that is good about America. So I was very sad to hear of his illness recently and I for one wish him a speedy recovery.
It occurred to me only after I had finisjed this caricature of Hugh that his haunted expression reminds me of Munch's The Scream. I wonder if the casters of House had this in mind when they approached Laurie for the role?
The staggering hypocrisy of the G8 leaders supposedly discussing global poverty and food shortages, while sitting down to eat 16 course meals of the most expensive and scarce foodstuffs. No wonder so many of us have lost all faith in our politicians. To emphasize the point I used four endangered species as the main courses (which upset my other half so much she couldn't look at it). I originally wanted to put 'let them eat McDonald's', to make the point that the globalisation agenda favoured by the more right wing nations at the table was indeed part of the problem, but unfortunately this was judged as too litigious. Personally I find it very worrying we can say almost anything we like (as cartoonists) about our elected political representatives who we have at least some power over, but we cannot make even the mildest of criticisms of the multinationals who we have absolutely no power over what so ever.
It's odds on, sadly, that stories of doping amongst the competitors, make more headlines than the racing itself in the Tour de France again this year. This is great event, in a great country, it's such a pity it is spoilt year after year by cheats.
Gordon Brown and the Chancellor Alistair Darling seem to lurch from one disaster to the next/ leaving a trail of political mayhem, which translates into bad news for the rest of us, behind them. The really worrying thing about all of this is when we look to the alternative! No wonder so many of us don't see a reason to vote!